Port Orange Real Estate : "Scraping" , Taking Real Estate info !!

Web scraping is when information is taken from the internet and used for a purpose other than originally intended. There is software available to do this. Most of the time, it is used for informational purposes, statistical data, etc. . There are always those people who will misuse information, often for monetary gain.

"Scraping" may be new to some people, but most Realtors have had their run in with it. "Scraping" in Real Estate is when somebody takes information from a website and uses it as their own. It is typically used for rental scams. We have had at least three of our listings "scraped". The info was put on Craig's List as an unhappy seller who has decided to rent. We eventually get phone calls because prospects find our listing and become confused. We made our sellers aware and they resolved problem. Some people are not that lucky and lose their money by sending a check to a Fake owner to rent a property.

Realtor.com has implemented steps to prevent this act on their website. They have dramatically reduced the number of attempts on their website. This act is very common and very inexpensive for a Cyber-criminal to do. 

There are some writers who have been downplaying the attention "scraping" has been getting. I'm not sure if they understand the implications of "scraping". This is not a way for Realtor.com to garner attention. People have been renting houses and getting evicted due to these scams. Homeowners now are subject to litigation to protect their rights.

1- try to use known sources for information.  (from MLS, a Real Estate Company site, or one that takes from MLS like realtor.com)
2- check for copies of information. (if it is on more than one sight with different information)
3- arrange for a showing. (if its real, this will be easy)

Most people will never feel the effects of "scraping". Those that have, feel a lack of trust in the information available. If in doubt, call a Realtor and ask questions.

All information on our Website is deemed to be correct, but not guaranteed. Source for listing info is directly from area MLS. To Search for Rentals on our Site, use the MLS Search in the Quick Search box by selecting RENTAL under property type. You can also request an automatic daily search for rentals or properties.