Port Orange Open Houses - Waters Edge !!

1820 Forough

1902 Rouzbeh
 We are Holding 2 Open Houses Today in Waters Edge from 2 til 4 .   The First Home is a 3car Garage 5 Bedroom Home with a Pool on the Lake located at 1820 Forough.  For more information on this home and Directions, please follow THIS LINK . The Second Home is a 2car Garage with 4 Bedrooms upstairs and an Optional 5th Downstairs and also has a Pool , located on a Cul-de-sac at 1902 Rouzbeh. For more information on this home, please follow THIS LINK .  For any other Real Estate needs , please go to our WEBSITE .

Port Orange : Waters Edge Subdivision

We have tried to make searches by Subdivisions easy! If you know an area and are waiting for a house to come up there, you don't want to search the whole city.  Follow this Link   WATERS EDGE  to view the Waters Edge Subdivision or this Link   SUBDIVISIONS  where you can pick which city and the subdivision in that City. If you have friends in other states that are looking here, send them a Link to our   WEBSITE  so they can more easily find their future home.

5 Bedroom 2-1/2 Bath on Lake in Cul-de-Sac in Waters Edge for $269K !!!

This is the Highlander Model from ICI . 2 Story Home with lots of recent upgrades. To view more info on this home, follow   THIS LINK  . The Family Room is converted to one Bedroom and Office but can be converted back to original condition. Large yard and Pool Area for soaking in the Florida Sunshine. Please visit  OUR WEBSITE for area information and other homes.